Make Statusbar

On Ms. Word of course we often see the statusbar. usually have the appearance draw, insert picture, auto shap, letter or background color etc.. Well here we will try to make a simple statusbar display only the date, time, and the name of each of us or e-mail. Here are the steps:

Create a new form with the name = tes_statusbar, caption = Statusbar

Create one Statusbar placed on the form

cat: if the application does not have vebe your statusbar, the step to display;
* Select the Project menu bar
* Select the Components or press Ctrl + T
* Select the Controls tab
* Check the list Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)
* Click Apply and Ok
* Then, on general / toolbox will appear automatically objects from SP2

Create a timer with interval = 100, enabled = True

Before we make a listing change propertise akan statusbar on the way:
* Right click on the statusbar object that has been made
* Select Properties
* Now there are general tabs, panels, fonts, and picture
* You select panels, clearly visible here that you have only one index.
* We need 3 index so, click 2x Insert panels so that we have 3 index
* To check what is 3 index is not, click the arrow to stay right going left


Private Sub Timer1_Timer ()
StatusBar1.Panels (3) = "Date" & Format (Date, "dd mmmm yyyy")
StatusBar1.Panels (2) = "Hours" & Format (Time, "hh: mm: ss Am / Pm")
StatusBar1.Panels (1) = ""
End Sub

Cat: if you are fit to run the debug / error means your index less statusbar

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